Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Swim Lessons

When Mason was first born i started researching what kinds of things a baby can do, and how old you have to be to do certain activities. Swim lessons were 6 months, gymnastics is a year old, soccer is 3 years old. Well, as has become normal for my life...i found out how to sign up and 2 months later finally got my act together and registered. So at 8 months we started classes. I had no idea what to expect at baby swim lessons. it was advertised for mommy and me, for 6-18 month olds. We showed up and there were 4 of us - and i was the only mom in the water. Which is highly unusual for baby activites - generally it mom's who do all of the activities. One baby girl is 6 months old and cute as a button. The other two boys in class are no where near 18 months old. One has got to be 6 years old. oh well. It was super fun! And Mason is fearless when it comes to water. we had these games to play - put baby on your chest, kick his legs and have him move forward so he learns that kicking makes him go forward......which means there were 4 adult walking backwards in a tiny section of pool trying not to run into each other. The whole time Mason was laughing, and splashing and didn't care when water got in his face or eyes.