Saturday, November 15, 2008

I am a bug person!

Let me preface this by saying i am a bug person. I am the person that captures and saves spiders and frees them to the outside. My uncle is a herpatologist. I grew up playing with newts, and snakes, and other creepy things. I am a bug person.

Until i came face to face with this:

Here is the aerial view:

This is taken from my i phone so let me point out: It is as thick as my pinkie and probably half as long, it has two huge eyes on the head, it has a mouth that you can see, the mouth has two pincers/fangs. The eyes are looking at me. And it looks hungry and mean and dangerous

I am a bug person and this one made me scream. i was cleaning, moved a blanket, and saw it - we came face to face. It was HUGE and dangerous looking, and based on size i thought it was fast. fortunatly it was not fast. But that did not negate the scariness of it.

My husband was out playing poker and this bug and i and my son were home. I almost made him come home to check out this bug and have him decide if it was deadly. It was that scary. Remember that i am the bug person in this relatioship. Instead i kept the bug in prison with frequent security checks. This bug although HUGE was not fast or strong. We sruvived us three, until my mother in law came home to declare it a harmless potato bug.

I take her word for it......but it is still scary. But should i come face to face with a huge fanged potato bug again i will take him outside. I will be the potato bug person next time - but i won't like it!

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