Saturday, March 28, 2009

3 months worth of catch up

December 20th is the last time i wrote. So much has happened!

I went back to work. I still wish i didn't have to work. Pumping 3x/day is intense and takes up an hour of my work day. I hate that i don't get to see every thing happen with him. But, the more i get use to work, the less i resent it. ANd i love the look on his face when i come home.

He is eating 3 meals a day and even some non-mashed banannas and pears

He sits up

He started crawling - in an army creeping sort of a way, and the tv remote is the most crawled towards item.

He has three teeth in various states of coming in.

1 comment:

Leslie Neugebauer said...

Good job on your blog! I missed them! :) Keep up the good work! xo