Saturday, May 9, 2009

9 months old

May 5th Mason was 9 months old, weighing a big 20.3 pounds. I was pregnant for 42 weeks - which according to my math is more than 10 months old, but the medical community says that is 9 months. It felt like i was pregnant FOREVER! Mason has been in my life for 9 months now, and it has gone so fast. He is eating pretty much what we eat - thai, burritos, everything except for honey and peanuts! He is crawling up on his hands and knees, he can pull himself to stand and cruise on furniture for a few steps. He "swims" underwater. He has slept through the night for 7 nights in a row at most. He has 4 teeth, with more on their way in. And with about 90% accuracy he will say NANA for bannana. yes his first word, the most exciting thing in his life is a food item....sigh.

I wish i could stay home with him. I wish that i could work less than i do. But desire #1 isn't an option, and try as i might i can't get option #2 to work out for me. But that is a work in progress, and in this currenty economy i just can't say no to an awesome job that is flexible for my own needs. I just know that before i realize it he will be in school and all grown up.
I want to have more babies - but then Mason wouldn't be THE baby anymore - he would have to grow up. But the longer i wait, the more difference in age the two of them will have!?!?!?!?!


Leslie Neugebauer said...

God, he's SO cute! He's the best baby I've met. :) I wish you could work less too.. I wish I could too but Leroy is not a good excuse. Miss and love you both!

Kelly said...

wow...he is getting so big and looks so much like his daddy!!

Kelly said...

I feel your dilemma about having another little one...hopefully the Lord we lead us according to his will. And I understand about working..hang in time is coming.

I cannot believe that he swims and goes under water and says cute!