Sunday, June 7, 2009

Cheese Factory Picnic

Kurt and I are always looking for fun things to do with our little monkey, which use to be so easy when he was a passive observer. However now that he is active and either wants to be always on the go or in the ergo snuggled up to one of us it can be a bit challenging. One day we were out at the Cheese Factory, of curse we arrived just as it was closing, and we thought what a fun spot it would be to invite people out for a picnic - with wine!
Of course the date we picked was overcast and a little on the cold side - but with a sweat shirt on it was fun. We had some new friends from kindermusik there and some friends that we have known for a while - it is so fun to get to know new friends, and reconnect with friends we have known for a while. Since moving to marin i have struggled with meeting new friends, and really connecting with people. I have found that having a child is a great reason to meet people!
Mason and his great Aunt Juli:
The fun that 5 babies can have with a picnic basket:
Mason and his friend Harry, from Kindermusik:

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