Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fun in the fountain

It was such a hot day, and the mall at corte madera has we were off to play in them. How do you keep an almost one year old from not getting full on in? I have no idea - and he loved being in the water, so i let him get him. you can se the water shooting out of the frog's mouth, as he put his hand on it he would manage to redirect the water and shoot other kids in the fountain with water and even people walking past - and most importantly himself in the face!
Watching this video back i could see my terrible parenting skills - removing him and then letting get back in....and although i didn't want him shooting other people, i was a bit rough in the taking his hand out of the stream...
learning opportunities....

1 comment:

jenK said...

Eh. We shouldn't be too hard on ourselves. ;) Good thing there's not always a video camera around or I'd be crazed. Anyway, I love all these posts cuz now I know where to go with Lila. I think we're just gonna follow your trail of fun!