Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mason's first haircut!

He could have gone longer without one, but he had some very long curls going on behind his ears and on top of his head. At "school" he has even gotten pony tails put in his hair (by request) when the girls were getting their hair done too. So today was the day. I googled and found a place that looked like a lot of fun. We settled on lions and tigers and hair.

When we walked in they had Mason play for a while to get comfortable. Train tables, a tunnel type playing area with big wooden blocks and trucks, and a play kitchen in back.

Here he is getting in the chair, not looking so sure of what is going on.

Magic cape going on, and a fun basket of toys - Elmo, bob the builder, and many i didn't recognize:

At first they cut off they big curls so that we could save them:

Eventually Mason ignored the cutting and got to playing with the stuff in the basket

We got a certificate:

And the finished product:
(check back...he is napping right now)

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