Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mason is one week old

I will spare you the birth story, when i was pregnant i saw a t-shirt that said "spare me your birth story" and i loved it! Mason was a week late. My doc wanted to induce me at 41 weeks - but i opted for the non-stress test instead. It showed that everything was fine - but it also showed that i was having contractions i couldn't feel. I started feeling them at noon, and by 11pm i was in the hospital. 18 hours out of 21 i was able to do it without medication. Meeting Mason was amazing - to realize that this human, this person had just moments before been inside of me - was now an independent part of our family.

12 hours after he was born we were able to go home and spend the first night as a family in our own room. Both sets of grandparents came to meet him on day 2, and Kurt was home this whole week. As we started feeling better this week also included Mason's first bath in the sink tub, his first outing to church, his first doctor's appointment (just a weight check), and first walk around the block.

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