Sunday, October 5, 2008

8 weeks old

so, 8 weeks have passed - amost 9, and today he is 2 months old! So much has happenedand changed that i honestly can't believe that it has only been 8 weeks. He sleeps through the night about half the time (10 pm - 7am), the othr half he wakes up once. He is smiling and cooing and singing. Kurt and I feel like our life is complete now, and perfect. not that it felt empty before - - just so much more full now.
We have made the decision after much discussion and prayer to move in with kurt's parents. The past two years of real estate and the ever ellusive promise of it getting better any day now have caught up with us.We bought and remodeled a house, planned and paid for a wedding and honeymoon, and had a baby, all while thinking any day now it will have to get better and the pay day will far it hasn't. We would like for me to be able to stay at home with mason and his siblings eventually, to get a bigger house, to allow Mason the ability to do all the extracirculars his little heart we will take the next year to pay off bills and become financially more free - for the sake of our family. There were all kinds of reasons not to do this - but they were all selfish. We are keeping our house, and renting it out to our current roomate, and he will find roomates. At the end of a year we may sell this house or continue to rent it - if it makes sense. I know debt is the american way now - look at the failing banks - but it makes me feel like i can't breathe. knowing that there is a way out - even if it means living with parents - allows me to breath again!

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