Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Vaccines and procedures

Let me preface this by saying i work in health care. I support Western Medicine. i use antibiotics, and get my shots. However....people do your research and ask questions. I don't necessarily think there is a right or wrong answer as long as you are well informed, and the decision is yours. It is the people who don't know better and just to what doctors suggest that frustrate me. They don't know any better - and it would never occur to them that one should independently research - after all, don't doctors know best? Doctors make us sign informed consent waivers - but really how informed are we?

Here is an example - after i gave birth the doctors wanted to give Mason eye antibiotics to prevent chlamydia in his eyes. Mind you i am married, and they tested me for this in the beginning of my pregnancy. They know i am negative - yet they want him to get antibiotics. And then people wonder where these super bugs who are immune to antibiotics come from.

Another example - after i gave birth the doctors wanted to give Mason a hep B shot. Hep B you get from sexual activity or IV drug use. I know kids do things SUPER early these days - but as an infant i am reasonable sure he will not be sexually active. I will bring him in to get the shot at 12, heck even 10 - before these issues come up - but when he is bigger and older and his body can better process all the toxins in the vaccine.

Now i get that it is a public health issue. That women who can't afford health care may never come back in when the child is 12 to get the shot. I get that women who say they are healthy are actually not - and you want to protect the child. I understand why they make these things mandatory. But - they are not needed for the average child. And very few people do the research. When medicine is needed it is wonderful - but when it is not, we are exposing ourselves and children to things they don't need. i had to sign waivers for 4 (as i deemed them) unnecessary vaccines/ procedures.....but the nurses all agreed with me

Mason is scheduled for his first vaccines today. I am not anti-vaccination. But i have done my research on the risks and benefits of each individual vaccine as well as the combos they want to give...how they are made, what metals and preservatives are in them, in addition to what they are meant to prevent. Some i have opted not to expose him to - the risk in my opinion is greater than the benefit. Some he will get as scheduled. Some he won't get at all. Maybe after you research you decide to follow the AAP recommended schedule - great! All i am saying is do your research, know what you are exposing yourself and your kids to. Don't leave it to the well paid doctor to decide what is right for you and your family.

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