Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Weekend in the CIty

We decided to start a new family tradition this year of spending a night in San Francisco during the Christmas season. We booked a hotel room at the Grand Hyatt, and loved it! We did it because my energy level is pretty low these days, mason's attention span is short these days, and we thought that over the years it might be a fun thing for us to do as a family!

The view from our room - this isn't the best shot, but we could see coit tower, the bay, and Alcatraz - it was gorgeous!

The tree in the lobby of the Hyatt:

So we really wanted to go a nice restaurant in the city for dinner. But, with a 16 month old, we realized that Rainforest Cafe is fun, nice, and no one cares if he gets a little bored. Plus, we were in the fish room so he got to watch fish all night, which seems to be one of his favorite pastimes

It rained most of the first day we were in the city, but by the evening after dinner it was actually
really nice. So we decided to take a walk through union square. There were many carolers in the square, people ice skating and it was just super christmassey!

Inside of Macys it was nice and empty, we were able to shop for our 50% off ornaments, and get some cute pics too!

Sunday when we woke up Mason was feeling silly with his PJ's. We went over and tried to see Santa. But after being in line for an hour and not moving, and hearing 3 moms get upset about how they had waited an hour after seeing Santa to get their photo CD's (so they can print their own copies....which we wanted too), we decided to call it a day and head home!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

what a blast guys...he is getting soo big!