Sunday, June 20, 2010

Catching up

I knew I was behind in my blogging, but didn't realize it was 6 months behind!! So much has happened - trip to Disneyland, moving back into our house, and a new baby was born!

Wyatt James vonHartmann Engel was born May 15, 2010 at 6:45 am. He was 9lbs 7oz, and 21.75 inches long. He was born after 7 intense hours of labor without any medication. It was the birth i had hoped for and wanted and only able to be acomplished because of my wonderful doula Kari who has become not just a friend, but like family to me!

Here is Wyatt about 5 hours after being born:

Although we got to come home 12 hours after Wyatt was born, we didn't have Mason come home that night. The next morning Mason got to meet his brother. He had his choice of Wyatt and a present on the bed. He chose to unwrap his truck, gave some of the wrapping paper to "baby" and then wanted to hold and hug Wyatt. They have been buds ever since!

I was terrified of being home alone with both boys - but I have been loving it, they are great together for the most part - and fun! And Mason is a great big brother, and loves Wyatt. Here is a picture of me and my little monkeys!
As i get more time with both boys napping at the same time i will try to go back and post some of the fun things we have done, before and since Wyatt has come!


Juanita said...

I'm so glad you didn't give up on your blog all together :) Always fun to see your posts and get a little glimpse into your life.

Hattie Engel said...

No, i love my blog! Just need to figure out my time management skills a bit better!

Kelly said...

so precious! congrats guys!

Leslie Neugebauer said...

I was SOOOO excited to see your new post as I have been checking your blog every other week for 6 months just in case... :) Turns out the Engel's make pretty f-ing adorable little boys!!! :) They are such sweeties. I'm so happy you're happy. xoxo.

Leslie Neugebauer said...

Uhhh, yeah, that was me not Garrett that just left that comment. :)