Friday, June 25, 2010

Discovery Kingdom Outing

About a week ago we took a trip to Vallejo to enjoy Discovery Kingdom - when i was younger it was called Marine World - and i loved this place! Present day version did not disappoint. We have season passes that paid for themselves in just one visit - score!

We started off with the elephant show and arrived just in time to see the star getting herself ready:

The boys had matching outfits for the occasion.. I know it is pathetic, but for as long as they are willing and they are in the same size category I can't help myself!

Unknown to yours truly they even have a Thomas the train town there - Mason was in love. we took a ride on the train, but didn't make it to all the rides because Mason found the Harold the Helicopter ride! Now here is the thing...Mason doesn't watch TV. He doesn't know these characters except that he just got a train table and Grandpa Jim just sent him a Harold the Helicopter figure. Since this outing he has seen one or two shows and couldn't believe his friends are on TV.

We only scratched the surface, but needless to say we will be back - it was a hit and only 30 minutes from our house!

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