Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Library and Cookie Time Wednesday!

So as previously mentioned I LOVE being home with Mason and Wyatt. When I was home on maternity leave for the month before Wyatt was born, I looked forward to the days that Mason went to school. I was so huge and uncomfortable and wasn't able to be energetic or play with Mason, and my patience was very short. It made me worried that in general my passion for being with my kids was gone. 

However, after losing 20 pounds in the 2 days after having Wyatt, and another 10 in the following week - i found that as i felt great, my enjoyment of being mom was back, and more than ever! I love being with them so much that part of me weans to pull Mason from his school so i can spend more time with him and save money to boot. But he is settled there, loves it, and it gives him some big boy time with kids his age - as well as Wyatt and I some time to be alone - and for the time being to run errands too!

One of our pretty consistent routines is to go to story time at the Novato library on Wednesday mornings. Getting two kids ready for leaving the house by 9:30 is a little hectic. Two diapers changed, one diaper bag packed, one baby nursed, two sets of clothes on and shoes on. And yes, i need to be dressed and have shoes on too. We sing songs, have books read to us, and do some dances with Librarian Carla.

But we aren't done there! After story time we  go to the bakery across the bridge. They give the kids a free "library cookie" Mason loves it because there are sprinkles on it! I get an almond croissant. However today was a special day! Grandpop-pop came over and so did Dad - their office is just next door! and when mason looked in the display case there were cupcakes with green frosting and a football on top. How could we say is what happened with poor cupcake

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