Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas time is offically here

A few days ago Kurt said to me, so are we going to go have pictures taken with Santa? It hadn't even occurred to me. But of course we had to! So this morning we showed up at the Village Mall to wait in line at 10, even though Santa didn't make it until 11. We HATE waiting in lines, and not surprisingly we weren't the first ones there. We thought that the Southern Marin Santa was bound to be better than the san rafael version...who knows?!?!

Here we are at 10am waiting in line. Mason loved playing with my furry scarf. It was actually cold enough today for him to need to wear a hat today. My little baby man bear.

Here is Mason with Santa. Because Mason is so little Santa felt ok being his non-santa self and told us he became a father at 67, 9 years ago.....hmmm. Don't worry - we have a better version for the Christmas card, still to come.

After Mason told santa what he wanted Kurt and i went over to the apple store to oogle the apple we ask Santa for a HD camcorder or an Apple TV? yes, there is quite a price difference. But being able to capture those moments of Mason seems priceless. And the HD, because i don't see us ever buying a non-HD tv from here on out, is probably well worth it.

Next we were off to the chirstmas tree lot. Kurt and i realized that we had never had a tree together. yes, this is our 3rd christmas together...but excuses about Dogs and being out of town etc always seemed to have gotten in the way. What started out as a search for a little first tree turned into a 6-7 foot noble fir tree. It is pretty. And putting lights on it, and picking out the perfect spot for all the ornaments....makes it seem like christmas season.
Then to complete the evening we went down to old town novato's tree lighting festival, it was advertised to start at 4:30....i didn't bother to read the schedule, which noted that santa didn't arrive until 5, and the tree wouldn't get lit until 6. so we stayed long enough to enjoy the free cider and coco, buy some baked goods to support a dance team, listen to some carols, and have Mason tucker completely out. So before santa arrived we headed home. We will plan our arrival differently next year. Having a baby makes all these Christmas time activities so much more meaningful and fun...even though he does not appreciate them yet. And i am all to aware that all this fluff is not what christmas is really about, but the festivities to support the commericalism, are so fun and make me happy!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Hey Hattie!

I just noticed that you had a blog(facebook)! Mason is getting so big and looks a lot like his dad!