Saturday, December 13, 2008

A day in San Francisco

So because it is Christmas, and we live so close to the city we decided to go see the tress and lights and decorated windows. We also wanted a few more photos for our Christmas card. Yes, we just finished it today - so you will be getting yours a little after Christmas - but with oh such cute photos! I have to say, Mason going 3-4 hours between feedings makes my life functional. For example when we parked i fed him, and then spent probably 3 hours window shopping and having fun. and when we got back to the car i fed him again.....but he didn't ask for it. So nice to not be constantly feeding him!

We spent the day in union square. Our first stop was Macy's to see the trees and pick out an ornament. We had gotten this totally adorable and ridiculous Santa outfit for him, and i would say we got 30 comments on it. Here i am helping Mason hold his two ornaments:
In Macy*s they had a whole room of we had to add Mason to the a where's waldo book:

Then as we continued to walk around we kept seeing photo ops.... With a huge bear with Dad,

And a nut cracker with Mom:

It is amazing how many photos are super cute with a baby - i am sure we were bugging everyone in the store who was actually shopping, as we kept stopping and parking the stroller around every cute photo appropriate object.

Then it was on to Neiman Marcus with the 1000 foot tree in the entrance. we had to go UP to get to the perfect photo spot (the rotunda - where on trips without the baby we have had LOVELY lunches before). We would be a bit passive aggressive, start taking photos of each other with Mason and then some nice passerby would offer to take a photo with all three of us.

And of course we took photos with the HUGE 80 foot tree in the center Union Square, with and without the Grinch.

We walked around and saw the windows with all of their decorations. I have to say that the windows weren't quite as grand as previous years. True, we did not go off the square proper to see gumps or some of the other normally wonderful windows. But the ones we saw were a little more quiet. Maybe it is the economy - maybe it is just my child-like remembrance of them? We did go into Tiffany's where they had a tree with tiny blue boxes. Good things did come in small packages this year!All in all it was a great day. No rain, lots of photos. I even ate my very first chestnut - verdict says: soft, mushy and not all that great all in all!

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