Sunday, December 14, 2008

p.s. i have dogs

So.......... before the baby(and in the case of Murphy before the hubby) i was a dog lover.

Murphy (in the middle) is my perfect shelter dog from the Monterey Shelter. I went in to get a license, and walked out with him....he would hide under the car when people tried to meet him. you would not know that now, he is a perfect dog - with some minor flaws that i mostly ignore. He is probably part German Shepard, part cattle dog, and whatever else you see in him. I guess that he is 4 years old.

Then came Bentley the golden retriever. I got him when he was 6 weeks, he was born the day that i got Murphy. he is 3 and acts like he is 6 months be fair he is 6 months mentally and the dumbest dog i have ever had. i love him dearly and will always have to have a golden....but he is not too smart. I think he is described best by the words oaf and goof ball.

Then came Hailey. she played flyball, and so did i for a year. i adopted her and we became the 5th home she has had. she is a border collie and crazy as all get up. she runs in circles all day, literally. i could get on my soap box and rant about people that get cute puppies without researching breeds. a dog that is bred to work 8 hours running cattle on a ranch, might not make the best back yard dog. she is 6. i love her but she gets on my last nerve. We will keep her, but some days i dream what my life would be without her crazy habits. you think i am exaggerating but i am not. she is OCD. i have had Friends cry over how sad it is - that normal neglect could turn a dog literally crazy. and of all the border collies i have met she is the mild version.
So that is my dog family. I use to be super active in dog classes, and helped train dogs at the shelter. We even bought our house where we did so i could be close to the off leash trails. They were my first kids. they sleep in our room and sometimes our bed. so yes, for those of you keeping track, that is 6 bodies in one bed or room. good thing kurt LOVES me!

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