Thursday, July 15, 2010

Baby Body

I know when I hear other mom's who have just had kids complain about how they look I roll my eyes. You just brought a new life into the world...of course you look different. That said, spending three days in a bathing suit in Tahoe was not good for my self esteem. In photos of me and the boys i see the belly rolls before I see what is going on in the photos

After I had Mason I told myself for an entire year that my body had "just" given birth and that it was just a matter of time. Then I got pregnant again.
It's not a matter of weight..that is the same as before Wyatt. But I am in jeans that are 2-3 sizes bigger than before. I have basically no muscle tone anywhere in my body. So this time, 2 months after having Wyatt, it is time to get in shape.

After coming home from Tahoe I was watching TV and on came an infomercial for P90X. Those of you who know me know that I am a sucker for good marketing. I wanted to try it and have 6 pack abs in 90 days. I felt ridiculous for wanting it. I posted something similar on facebook, and was shocked to hear that people had positive things to say. Before I spent $120 I figured it would be good to prove that I would follow through with this. So I went to my on demand exercise TV and chose a 25 minute Jillian Michaels program. I figured this would be easy - I am out of shape - but 25 minutes would be do -able. I was wrong. I couldn't get through it. And the following day i was sore.

So starts project get my body back. I don't expect to be in the shape I was when i got married and could spend 2 hours at the gym everyday..but I do want to be healthy and toned. So, when I can get through a silly 25 minute workout of jumping jacks and push ups without taking a break i will splurge on the TV infomercial and spend 90 days confusing my muscles.

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