Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Trip to Tahoe!

Some friend's of my in laws had a time share in Tahoe for a week, and didn't want to go for that long! So we got to go to the awesome Marriott's Timber Lodge at Heavenly in South Shore.for free. From Novato to South Shore it only took us 4 hours (with an hour stop for lunch). It was gorgeous - we had a bedroom and separate living area that had a full kitchen complete with washer and dryer! The resort layout is awesome within a 5 minute walk we had a grocery store, spa, movie theater, restaurants, coldstone, and toll house cookie shop. Perfect for us! I forgot to take photos...but here is one of the boys snuggling on the super comfy bed.

Having an almost 2 year old and 7 week old with us, we skipped the bike riding, horseback riding and river rafting that I am used to in a Tahoe summer vacation. Instead we spend the mornings at the beach digging in the sand, making sand castles, and playing the VERY cold lake.

Then we would head back to the hotel for lunch and nap time for the boys, during which Kurt and I watched rented movies..we saw "It's Complicated" and "My best friend's girl". Great chick flicks and thoroughly enjoyed by us!

The afternoons were very overcast, but still warm. So we would head down to the pool - which is heated to 85 degrees year round! In addition to the adult pool there is a kiddie pool and 3 separate hot tubs. As you can see Mason loved the pool and water:
For dinner two out of three nights we went the restaurant at the hotel: Fire and Ice . Not because it was convenient but because it was DELICIOUS and awesome.

You walk in get a bowl and pick all the raw ingredients that you want: Meat, Veggies, Noodles, Sauces
Then you take your ingredients to the cooks/chefs/ entertainers who slice, dice and throw things in the air. All the items in your bowl get laid out in a line on the grill along with a ton of other people. The cooks put on a show and you get to chat with the other patrons:

Then for dessert you can order S'mores!!!! Crazy fun and Mason seemed to agree.

All in all it was a fun and relaxing trip...we hope to go back there when there is snow in the area. None of us ski or snowboard, but it would be so fun to just relax and play in the snow.
I still have some more pics to add...but it is late, so they must wait.

1 comment:

CarlandKurtRE said...

Such a fun trip! I'm jonesing for a s'more and a chick flick lol.
Aren't you glad I didn't pick From Paris With Love and The Book Of Eli? I guess car chases, gunfights and explosions are less appropriate for nap times lol
Love Ya!