Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pizza Night

I have wanted to be one of those families with game and movie nights. So we have started doing homemade pizza and movie night..once so far. Mason is a great helper at eating ingredients faster than they can be put on the pizza, and the movie lasted about 20 minutes before he lost interest....but it was fun. I don't know that we will do it every Friday - but maybe once a month or so!

Adding the cheese:

Adding the toppings:

The finished product:

We got into jammies before the movie just in case Mason fell asleep during the movie. He got bored before that happened...but he did insist on his rain boots being a part of his movie watching attire. Quite a nice look I think:

Snuggling with Dad while watching Cars:

1 comment:

Lucy said...

Beautifull pics!!
You remind me so much when I visited Argentina where I've been living in short term apartments and I had a little neighbour who loved the pizza I used to cook :)

Thanks for sharing, and bringing me those beautifull memories