Friday, December 5, 2008

Good things about living with the inlaws...yes there are some!

These are mason's two great grandmas above, BJ Ellis (step grandma) on the left and Jackie Ellis on the right. You can also see great uncle David on the right

Here are both sets of grandparents Carl and Bonnie Engel on the left, and Jim and Penny Slater on the Right

So....i was not the most positive about the prospect of moving in with parents, i thought it was going to be functional and horrible. I know that around the world this is how families work, and some would argue better than the western model...i however tend to be a bit independent and like my space and to do things my own way. So, in the spirit of the holidays, here are the positive aspects of living with extended family, which has actually turned out to be kind of nice:

1. Coffee in the mornings is hot and ready when i come up, with fixings close by.
2. Often on weekends if we are running late for church there is toast made for us to go.
2. If i cook dinner (since i am still home with mason i usually do) i don't have to do clean up - i get to just leave the table and get mason ready for a bath and bed
3. Sometimes dinner is made for me, and all i have to do is help with clean up!
4. The one time that kurt and i had date night, mason was able to stay with nana and stay in his own room too.....when i go back to work this will come into play again.
5. mason shifts (nana 8-11, dad 11-3, mom other times) will be much easier on mason when i go back to work.
6. In the mornings when we are trying to get ready....and really pretty much all the time, there always seems to be an extra set of arms ready to hold onto and love the little man - the time in the bouncer and swing are almost non-existent now.
7. On a selfish note, the house is bigger and so is the yard from the one we were in before....with a usable guest suite when family comes to visit.
8. My father in law Carl has an AMAZING wine collection that i am able to utilize on those teething/shot days that i need some time to unwind once the baby is in bed.
9. On the occasion that i have a baby care question, Mother in law bonnie is the baby expert!
It is really nice to have family close by! When i do go back to work, it will be the best possible situation with him being able to stay with grandma and dad - and not having to juggle his location. Not that i want to stay here until he is 3 and goes to preschool......but for the time being it is all working out well. We have quite a bit to be thankful for, that is for sure!


Juanita said...

Mason is so fortunate to have so much family around to love him...heck even just to get to know. I get to sad that my family barely know my children and my children really have very little concept of what grandparents are. Family is such a blessing, please don't ever take it for granted - keep looking for the positives :)

Hattie Engel said...

I tend to be a bit of a "glass half empty gal" so i do have to take the time to remember the blessings!